Well, I know I said I'd be back soon, but the holidays, taking care of Nathan by myself on weekdays, and the lack of crafting made me a liar. December was a busy month. Besides general extreme illness, there was my favorite holiday!

I love Christmas to bits, and I love Christmas with Nathan and Paul even more, but I'll save that post for my family blog, and talk about my crafting/blog resolutions from last year.
1. I will make more cupcakes. LIES CREAM! I didn't make more cupcakes at all. However, I consider myself forgiven because though I didn't bake much, I did bake more, and I
posted some of my baking stuff on Helen's food blog! And Helen's blog, unlike this one, is totally real.
2. I'd like to make some holiday pillowcases using my sewing skills. ANY HOLIDAY will work at this point, and I'm counting birthdays as a holiday. These pillowcases would be for my bed pillows.FAILURE AGAIN! I'm not doing so well so far, am I? I wish I had done this, but I didn't pull out my sewing machine enough.
3. I'd like to make Paula (and myself) some Halloween table napkins, much like my Thanksgiving napkins. In fact, I'd just like to make some more table napkins since I feel fancy when I use them, and they're now out of season.I made myself more napkins at least, but then I ended up not liking them because I did a slip-shod job. Does it count if you're disappointed? I'm tending to think not.
4. Knit with Malabrigo yarn.Success! I used some Silky Merino so I count this as a win.
5. Use up some of my stash.Screw this resolution. It didn't make me happy. I got more stash, if anything, but I'm still not stash heavy.
6. Knit several pairs of socks, but try Shaeffer Anne, Dream in Color Smooshy, and Duet Sock Yarn for some of those socks.I knit several pairs of socks, but the only one of these yarns I managed to knit with was Schaefer Anne.
7. Sew a skirt.Damn,
success! I did this! I even wore it out.
8. Learn the skills to make my favorite dress pattern ever. I don't need to make the dress this year, but I need to get more skills.I didn't get all the skillz probably, but I did learn more about sewing. I count this as a partial success.
9. Blog at least once a week.Well, I started out really well, but then I started to flag because I wasn't doing enough. I really need to finish this damnable Slytherin scarf. I will say that when you count in my personal family blog and Helen's food blog, I came much closer to my goal.
10. Knit a sweater.I bought the yarn to knit a sweater. That doesn't count, does it?
11. Lose some damned weight. (Only crafting related because it means I can buy less yarn/fabric to make clothing items!) Extra failure. Let's not discuss it.
So, my 2010 resolutions? Let's get to 'em. I know some people (in my personal life) are all "I don't do them" but I do, so that's that.
1. Sew more. This is a simple one, but one that I'd really like to try to work on. I just don't knit or sew enough nowadays. I'm on this computer too much.
2. Try blogging on any blog I write for twice a week.This includes my non-existent except in .txt format on my desktop book blog. I just want to write for people besides myself more.
3. Knit a pair of socks for Paul's grandmom.She's in her nineties and her feet get cold because she has bad circulation.
4. Exercise more. Forget losing weight, I just want to feel more together. I've added several workout DVDs to my Netflix queue. I also want to give yoga a real try.
5. Think about what I read more.I tend to read a lot, but then I let it fall out of my mind easily because it is mostly junk. I am getting a Nook (WHEE!) and I need to read at least a few books which are quality.
6. Sew an Oliver and S garment for someone.I just love the look of their patterns.
7. Learn to make macarons.I know this one will bring me heartache.
8. Get off the computer to make more time for Paul, reading, and crafting.This one is going to kill me. I really do love the computer.
9. Finish the Slytherin scarf.Seriously. Make it my Olympic knitting, if need be.
10. Knit a sweater and holiday pillowcases.My two undone resolutions from last year that I'd like to give a serious try.
Some of my plans for blog posting will come about next blog post. See you all then.